The duties of ‘Umrah begins with iḥrām at the Meeqat (a point some distance from Makkah beyond which a pilgrim may not pass without iḥrām set by the Prophet S.)
Prior to putting the iḥrām:
Etiquette of the iḥrām:
Men are to change into their clothing of iḥrām by wearing two pieces of fabric called:
Women can stay in the clothing they are already wearing. There is no specific clothing designated for women, except that they are prohibited from wearing the Niqaab (face-veil) and gloves.
Restrictions in the State of Iḥrām:
Specifically, for Men:
Specifically, for Women:
Please Note: Regarding the one who does any of these forbidden things out of forgetfulness or ignorance or because he/she is forced to do so, he or she does not have to offer any expiation.
Alhumdulillah, this allows one to enter the state of iḥrām.

Continue the Talbiyah throughout the trip to Mecca.

When touching the Stone, the following is said:
“Bismil-laah, Allahu Akbar” (Translation: In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest) or “Allahu Akbar” (Translation: Allah is the Greatest)
During this Tawaaf it is preferred for men to do two things:
- Al-Idhtibaa’: Which is placing the middle of one’s Reda’ of Iḥrām under the right arm and the ends of it over the left shoulder.
When one is finished performing Tawaaf, you may return your Reda’ to its original state because the time for A-Idhtibaa’ is only during Tawaaf. - Ar-Raml: Which means speeding up one’s pace with small steps. This is only during the first three circuits only.
Begin the Tawaf by keeping the Kaaba to your left.
Whenever one reaches or are parallel to the black stone point, say: “Bismillaah, Allahu Akbar”. Do this for Seven times.
Between the yamani corner and black stone, say:

Other than this dua, there are no other prescribed duas for tawaaf.
One should make dua as an individual in whatever language they want. Recite whatever you wish, supplicate to Allah by asking for good, recite the Quran, anything you wish.

Place yourself between Ka’bah and Maqaam Ibraaheem. Due to the crowd, this will not be possible, therefore, move to the back and pray facing Ka’bah with Maqaam Ibraaheem in the sight. There is a specific section for this that you will be able to spot without any special assistance.
Pray 2 rakats reciting silently with suratul kafiroon in the first rakaat and suratul ikhlaas in the second rakat
Proceed to drink zam zam and take a short break if you want before Sa’i.
Prophet PBUH said: “Zamzam water is for what it is drunk for.”
He PBUH also said: “It is blessed and it is a food and a cure for illness.”

When one reaches close to Al-Safa, climb until you can see the Ka’bah, then face it and raise your hands as in dua and praise Allaah, and make du’aa’ as you wish.
The Prophet PBUH used to say:

One should repeat the dua of the Prophet PBUH three times, and make du’aa’ in between.
Recite this dhikr then make du’aa’, then recite it again and make du’aa’, and recite it a third time.
After the third time, one should descend and go towards Marwah.
It is sunnah for men to run between the fluorescent green lights.
When reaching Marwah climb upon it if it is possible, and repeat the same procedure as when ascending Safaa except recite the above-mentioned verse.
This completes one circuit.
Then one continues back to Safaa running between the fluorescent green lights (for men only) – thus completing two circuits.
There are no particular supplications to be recited between Safaa and Marwah. Open your heart and make as much Duaa as possible.
This continues until one completes seven circuits finishing upon Marwah.
Men: Shave or trim the hair
Women: Cut a centimetre of hai (more or less)
Place yourself between Ka’bah and Maqaam Ibraaheem. Due to the crowd, this will not be possible, therefore, move to the back and pray facing Ka’bah with Maqaam Ibraaheem in the sight. There is a specific section for this that you will be able to spot without any special assistance.
Pray 2 rakats reciting silently with suratul kafiroon in the first rakaat and suratul ikhlaas in the second rakat
Proceed to drink zam zam and take a short break if you want before Sa’i.
Prophet PBUH said: “Zamzam water is for what it is drunk for.”
He PBUH also said: “It is blessed and it is a food and a cure for illness.”